Looking At The Stocks With The Free NASDAQ TotalView


Are you amongst that lot of people who closely observe the stock market? Do you also keep your eyes glued to the screen to notice every drop and rise in the prices? Well, if you are also one stock market fanatic, you certainly know the hassles of credible and timely information. To fix the bugs of the existing data recording system, new versions are released in the market. One such new update on the list is free NASDAQ TotalView, which comes with an easier and more efficient look-book.

About the new index

It is the full proof directory for monitoring stocks of all the firms made available for trading. It is also labeled to be the ultimate leading data feed, especially for those who are into sincere trading. Look below for short and crisp features that make free NASDAQ TotalView stand apart:

  • Tells about the existing platforms
  • Informs the potential opening/closing prices
  • Helps to predict the upcoming opportunities
  • Displays each quote and order with it
  • Enlists offers available at all possible prices
  • Puts forth only credible information
  • Surfaces the background strategies and schemes
  • Aids in making wise decisions

How does it differ from existing versions?

Advanced versions must come up with some amazing improvements to compel the user to leave the habit of the previous interface and embrace the latter one. If an update has nothing new to offer, it will certainly go unnoticed.

  • Intrinsic details- The reason it has the edge over previous versions like Level 1 and Level 2 is that you get intrinsic details regarding market prices and complete comprehensive information. This saves your day by enabling you to know when to buy or sell the shares.
  • Privacy and Safety- Another plus point is that the information put on is sheltered from outside risks because it is not visible to the general public free of cost. Hence, only those truly interested in trade-off would enter the market as they will have to pay a sum towards the entry.
  • Dual-purpose- This interface is both seller and buyer-oriented. It aims to be lucrative for both the buyer and the seller. It makes the seller stay alert by showcasing where the audience is inclined to and how the market is distributed. Thereby, it also helps the seller in being carefully decisive.

Considering these facts, free NASDAQ TotalView is a much-needed revolution in monitoring the share prices and its values. Always make sure to be at the perfect place where you can get the sincerest data and information. The stock market is a hub where only those survive who are well-furnished with knowledge and can benefit even in the blink of an eye. You can check more information before stocks trading.

Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.