Benefits of High-Quality CNC Machine Lubricants

CNC Machine Lubricants

There are many factors that manufacturers must take into consideration to improve the health and performance of a CNC machine. Performing the proper application process is very important in keeping a machine in order. There are two types of lubricants that are used in a CNC machine. For cutting surfaces, cutting or metal working fluid must be used. The internal machinery is assisted by lubricants also known as behind-the-scenes lubricant. It is extremely important for you to make correct choices to extend the health and performance of your machine. Choosing bad lubricants can cause a machine to become negatively affected reducing its performance and life. Improper lubricants can cause BUE or Built Up Edge and Chipping which causes your products to be low-quality.

Tools cut much easier with proper cnc lubricants keeping the machine free of chips and reducing friction and heat. There are many other benefits of proper lubrication. The machine can become dull when the tool is overheating causing wear and tear which causes bending in the tool. Lubricants are a big part of CNC machine performance. They reduce friction and moving in rotating parts of the CNC machine increasing life and durability. Types of high-quality lubricants are neat cutting, water-soluble, and slide way oils. There are other ways besides the basic ways that lubricants can improve performance. Excessive amounts of water coolant are run through the machine so certain types of lubricant who protects the machine from corrosion. Lubricants provide proper movement of tools reducing rejection. Tool life is increased by preventing rapid wear as well as reducing component costs. The system is kept clean because of filtering from proper fluids. Slide-way oils are washed out by the CNC machine causing increased consumption of water-soluble coolant as well as slide-way oil. The most important lubricant is the slide-way oil because of its role job and tool movement precision.

Important slide-way lubricant properties are avoiding the jerk motion, reduced friction on slide-way, tramp ease of oil collection by separating from coolant, corrosion protection, wash-out resistance by water-soluble fluids, compatibility of water-soluble fluids, and guide material comparability. Hydraulic oil does not contain these same properties as slide-way oils. Force clamping for tool or work is created by proper hydraulic oil. Proper hydraulic oil helps to avoid property changes in the viscosity in oil. Lower tool vibration and clamp force occur when pressure drops aren’t present. Hydraulic oils must be compatible with hose materials as well as seals in order to avoid bursts in hoses or leaks which reduces low down time from failure in the hose burst and pump. The oils are designed to lubricate the rapid speed spindles in the machine as well as important hydraulic airline oilers and circulation systems where proper viscosity grades are chosen.

Lubrication is required to properly extend process efficiency for precise cuts and high-quality products. Proper lubrication helps manufacturers to get extended life from their machines. High quality lubrication oils must be chosen by professionals for maximum CNC machine performance.