5 Common Video Marketing Errors and How to Avoid Them


According to research conducted in 2019, about 81% of adults in the US are online daily. This research indicates that fully utilizing web-based advertisement is crucial for a business to grow. One popular way of advertising online is by using video marketing.

You may think that this is a no brainer, but it does require thorough planning and research. Many who fail to do this make video marketing errors that hinder their overall business growth. Let’s take a look at five common errors when making videos.

Length of Videos

Understandably, you want to let potential clients know all your business has to offer. You may think showing it all in a 5-minute video will be the best way, but unfortunately, it’s not. Your video needs to be between 30 to 90 seconds long, not more.

Most of the time, viewers will not see the complete video. So, it’s crucial to have the vital information (company logo, website, and services) in the first 20 to 30 seconds of your video. Keep it short and sweet!

Failing to Use Video SEO Strategy

In the earlier days of online marketing, just having an interesting title for your video was more than enough. Today it’s not only about the title but what keywords are in it. Having the correct keywords in your title or video description can boost viewers tremendously.

Research thoroughly to see what keywords will best fit your business. Many agencies can help you find suitable keywords as well.

Wrong Target Audience

Whom do you want to watch your videos? Adults? Doctors? Engineers? All these questions are essential to properly make a video that will catch your intended target’s eye.

If you are using a video production company to help you with your video, make sure they are flexible enough to customize your video for your business.

Not Using All Available Platforms

Once again, back in the early days of online business, the most popular video streaming service was YouTube. That has changed completely today. YouTube is still popular, but viewers now use a lot more websites to watch videos.

Don’t waste money pushing your video on a site that your target audience doesn’t frequent. Investigate what websites your intended target audience visits daily, and make sure to promote your video on those sites.

Call to Action Not Used

The point of a video is to advertise your business and invite the viewer to do something. It would be best to use a CTA (Call to action); this invites the viewer to either visit your website or contacts your business. Just like keywords are necessary, so is the CTA.

Have You Made Any Video Marketing Errors?

There are other video marketing errors, but these are the most common ones. You can avoid several of these mistakes by hiring a trustworthy video production company. They will know the best way to create and promote your video.

If you enjoyed this informative article, feel free to check out the other marketing articles that will, without a doubt, increase your business knowledge.