Tips for Reducing Brokerage Charges

Brokerage Charges

Even if you choose a brokerage firm with the lowest brokerage charges, you can still take steps to reduce your overall charges. Here are some tips:

Negotiate with Your Broker

Believe it or not, many brokers are willing to negotiate their fees if you ask. If you have a large account, or if you’re a frequent trader, consider reaching out to your broker and asking if they can lower your brokerage charges.

Trade Less Frequently

Brokerage charges are typically based on the number of trades you make. If you’re looking to save money, consider trading less frequently. Make sure you’re only making trades when it’s necessary, and avoid making trades just for the sake of trading.

Invest in Mutual Funds

Many brokerage firms offer access to no-transaction-fee mutual funds. By investing in mutual funds, you can avoid paying brokerage charges altogether on those investments’ best demat account.

Real-World Examples of Savings with Low Brokerage Charges

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of investors who have saved money by choosing a brokerage firm with low brokerage charges.

Case Study 1: Sarah

Sarah is a frequent trader who typically makes 10 trades per month. She was paying $10 per trade with her old brokerage firm, which translated to $100 in brokerage charges each month. She switched to Ally Invest, which charges $4.95 per trade, and now pays just $49.50 in brokerage charges each month. That’s a savings of $50.50 per month or over $600 per year.

Case Study 2: John

John is an individual investor who typically makes one trade per week. He was paying $7 per trade with his old brokerage firm, which translated to $28 in brokerage charges each month. He switched to Fidelity, which charges $4.95 per trade, and now pays just $19.80 in brokerage charges each month. That’s a savings of $8.20 per month or nearly $100 per year.


Finding a brokerage firm with low brokerage charges can take some time and research, but it can be worth it in the long run. By considering factors beyond just brokerage charges, negotiating with your broker, and trading less frequently, you can further reduce your overall charges. And as our case studies show, those savings can really add up over time.