Tips for Stopping Fires in the Workplace


A fire can cause major destruction to a commercial business so it is vital as a business owner to take preventative measures to ensure you reduce the risk to your property. Even a small fire can cause massive damage and delay your operations for several days, this will cost you a lot of money while your business shuts down to deal with repairs.

Hire a Professional Fire Safety Team

The number one way of preventing fires in the workplace is to take appropriate preventative measures, this means contacting a fire safety specialist and hiring them to visit your premises to carry out risk assessments. Once they’ve finished assessing your premises they can install customised fire alarms, safety escape routes and monitoring systems to ensure your business doesn’t suffer from fire damage. Hiring professional help is the most sensible thing to do to protect your property, installing fire safety systems in Leicester guarantees that your business safeguards against property destruction and employee injuries.

You’ll need several strategies put in place to reduce the risk of workplace fires. A highly qualified team of fire experts will know the best way to protect your premises, they’ll also have your building carefully monitored 24-hours a day so if something happens they’ll be on hand to deal with the situation as promptly as possible.

Installing Security Cameras

Sometimes fires don’t happen accidently and arson can be the reason why your business has suffered fire damage. A great way to prevent this is to install high-quality security cameras to monitor your premises, they act as a deterrent and reduce the risk of arson attacks. If a criminal sees that your property is protect by security surveillance they’ll think twice before trying to set fire to your building.

Designate Staff Smoking Areas

When you deal with a professional fire safety organisation, their risk assessment procedures notify you of the best place to designate smoking areas for staff members. They identify a location which is low risk and has very little potential to cause problems. Fire safety is paramount in businesses throughout Leicester so liaising with a professional fire safety company is vital for any commercial enterprise.

You can’t stop employees smoking, so it is important to create a safe space for them to have a cigarette. A fire safety team can provide you with the best methods of disposing of smoking materials to ensure they don’t cause any problems. They’ll identify the best location and install disposal equipment such as metal sand buckets for staff members to dispose of cigarettes.

Report Electrical Damage

One of the leading causes of workplace fires is electrical faults, so it is important to ensure staff report electrical faults immediately. As a business owner it is your duty to make sure employees understand the importance of reporting electrical hazards.

There are several ways to protect your property from fire damage, the best way is to liaise with a professional fire safety team to ensure your business is adequately defended. Fires can cause considerable damage and smoke alone can cost your company a substantial amount time to repair.